高山わんわんパラダイス Paradise of dog in Takayama

高山に一泊旅行に行ってきました。I went to night travel in Takayama


I arrived around noon
I ate the Takayama ramen.
I was walking into the old houses of Takayama.


I took the two dogs.
One of them is my dog​​.
And other dogs are daughters.

次に高山の鍾乳洞を見ました。Next I saw the cave of Takayama.

その日はとても暑くて半袖で出かけたのですが鍾乳洞の中はとても寒くて震え上がってしまった。Since it was hot the day,I was going out in short sleeves.But it was very cold in the cave.

その後、ホテルにいきましたがここは犬同伴可能なので部屋で2匹は大はしゃぎでした。After that, I went to the hotel, but two of them were very fun in the room  because it is the dog allowed.

I went back to the Takayama city again the next day. And I went to the Teddy Bear Museum.
I came back home after eating lunch at the noodle shop in front of the museum.

日本カモシカが人里に降りてきていました。Japan antelope had come down to the human habitation.


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